
What is the beach featured in the Island Explorer's home page title?

Do you people recognize it? The last time I was here was in March 2008, three years ago, almost undiscovered. I kind of regret posting it here and naming it the best beach in the world. Yes, the world.

Finally, Redang Island!

The best beaches of Malaysia for me lie in the Eastern coast of Peninsula Malaysia. While the Borneo side, especially Sandakan are also gorgeous, I see them more as spots for diving. When I first set foot on the Eastern coast, particularly in the lovely Perhentians, I vowed to myself that I would be back. So here I was, back in the eastern coast, but now in a more popular island called Redang.

This is Corregidor

The last time I was in Corregidor was way back in the early 1990s. I was entering high school then, and we took some of our relatives from the US for a day tour. I could barely remember what transpired that day. Ever since, I've been curious about what Corregidor holds, especially after 20 years.

Forbidden City: Beijing Series

It is not difficult to tell if you are near the Forbidden City. Buses are lined up the streets, and a wall seemed to stretch the entire length of an avenue. And it doesn't end. You won't see much from outside, but once you step in, you enter an ancient world.

Beijing Olympics Park

It was winter, and it was getting colder as the day progresses. After a satisfying lunch, we made a stopover at one of Beiing's top spots, its 2008 Summer Olympics village.

The Summer Palace: Beijing Series

The next day was our tour of the city, and our first stop was the Summer Palace. As the rest house of the emperor of China, I knew we were in for another sort of magnificence.

The Great Wall of China: Beijing Series

I cannot express how much I love China. Coming from a previous unforgettable trip across the Chinese Southwest, I was left yearning for more adventure. So, 2 years after, I made my way back to China, but now to its heartland, the capital Beijing.